Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Learning from a storybook

I'm reading a Chinese storybook, learning from there. Sorry I'm not writing this in Chinese. =P Just thought I should clarify and it's much much easier for me to communicate in English still. I will get better though. =)

I'm just revising the words I don't know from the book... I just bought a Chinese dictionary, and I'm having a blast learning new words and their meanings!

圣诞节 = shengdanjie = Christmas

圣 - holy, sacred
诞 - birth, birthday
节 - holiday, festival

But this is such a slooooowww process, I'm only on the first sentence. And the dictionary is so big and unwieldy...

I think it's a better idea to just read the book first and come back later here to revise.

Hmmpphh, why didn't I think of that earlier. I'm not as smart as I thought. LOL!


Lone QL Chu said...

good , is ok to be slow , as long as one by one new thign u learn!! good job!