Tuesday, November 13, 2007




现在他在我身旁指导着我, 不然我的文法怎么会那么好。(笑)




Wednesday, November 07, 2007

First two chapters

Picking up where we left off yesterday... don't mind if I use large fonts, the chinese words are so freaking small...

前夜 - qian ye - the night before/eve

以前 - yi qian - before, previously

墓地 - mu di - graveyard

身世 - shen shi - life

突然 - tu ran - suddenly

墓碑 - mu bei - tombstone

间 - jian - between, among

出现 - chu xian - appear

强 - qiang - strong

力 - li - force

把 - ba - hold, grasp

套 - tao - sheathe, cover,

铁镣 - tie liao - shackles

灰 - hui - ash

粗 - cu - coarse, rough

布 - bu - cloth

湿 - shi - wet

漉 - lu - seep through

泥浆 - ni jiang - mud

狠 - hen - cruel, ruthless

瞪 - deng - stare, glare

This is so have no idea how many hours I spent on these two paragraphs only... goodness....


Learning from a storybook

I'm reading a Chinese storybook, learning from there. Sorry I'm not writing this in Chinese. =P Just thought I should clarify and it's much much easier for me to communicate in English still. I will get better though. =)

I'm just revising the words I don't know from the book... I just bought a Chinese dictionary, and I'm having a blast learning new words and their meanings!

圣诞节 = shengdanjie = Christmas

圣 - holy, sacred
诞 - birth, birthday
节 - holiday, festival

But this is such a slooooowww process, I'm only on the first sentence. And the dictionary is so big and unwieldy...

I think it's a better idea to just read the book first and come back later here to revise.

Hmmpphh, why didn't I think of that earlier. I'm not as smart as I thought. LOL!

Thursday, November 01, 2007


jintian wo hen lei.
Today I'm very tired.

整天睡, 现在有好多.睡了一整天,现在好多了(words ok,but grammer this more proper)
zheng tian shui, xian zai you hau duo. ---shui le yi zheng tian,xian zai hao duo le
Slept the whole day, now I feel better.

看到老师改正我的错误, 觉的真羞。--replace this word>>有点羞 (words ok,but this lighter.)
kan dao laoshi gai zheng wo de cuo wu, jue de zhen xiu. --
Seeing all the mistakes my teacher has to correct, I feel a bit of embarrassed.

我知道我有很多东西还要进步。 ---必需( have to)more proper
wo zhidao wo you hen duo dongxi hai yao jinbu. ---bi xu
I know I have a lot of things I still need to improve.

我会(----)! >>>我一定可以的
wo hui (......) -----try this>> wo yi ding ke yi de
I will work hard!----surely i can do it.

da zhi shang hai hao,zhi shi wen fa,you xie zhi ba ta gei huan le,na jiu xing le.
over all is ok, only grammer , some of the words just change, then it will be alright.


xie xie lao shi
Thank you, teacher!

xue hua yu hen hao wan----xue hua yu zhen you qu
Learning Chinese is fun!